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I am a Certified professional Coach passionate at coaching middle management and teams

Sabine Schott

 HR Consultant l Professional Coach l Trainer

I have an extensive experience in human resources with a strong international focus and ten years in leadership positions, in various sectors (mainly high tech and services), having interacted with boards of different cultures and with several European countries. As such, I benefit from a hands on experience of driving HR strategy in line with business requirements and of designing / adapting HR processes.

I am also expert of the French-German intercultural field because I have lived for a few years in Germany, as my husband is German. I have been a Human Resources Manager in Düsseldorf, facilitating the HR integration of the German subsidiary as it was acquired by a French Group. And I have been Human Resources Director in Berlin, contributing to the HR integration of the Northern Europe perimeter within the Group, sharing the same vision and implementing corporate HR tools.

I am passionate about group dynamics, which is why I integrated workshops and trainings to master collective intelligence tools and get certified as a team and organisation coach.

I deeply believe in the capacity of a team to be resilient, to foster its own solutions, new ways of doing, and be creative, if the framework is given.

I coach organisational transformations, cultural evolution and teams. My personal methodology is to mix the collective coaching approach: rising awareness among the team about its way of functioning, giving space to new behaviors and the collective intelligence facilitation approach: with the broadened awareness and dynamics, let the team set a shared vision of their desired future and build collective action plans to achieve their targets (Design Thinking, graphic facilitation of David Sibbet, World café, Open Space technology, …)  

I am also a certified executive coach. In that role I aim for guiding people into “the right place to be” for them: meaning the right place of the person, within his (her) environment and within the organisation. To this extent, I am particularly specialized in coaching the middle management. 

Through my HR experience I have acquired skills to support managers develop self-confidence, understand the new emerging management paradigm and master practices that will enhance their leadership impact and allow them to respond to expectations more effectively. 


In the framework of individual coaching, I comply with the code of ethics of ICF (International Code Federation).

In addition to the different tools, I focus on a systemic approach (as opposite to a linear approach), meaning I look at organisations, teams and individuals as living and complex systems interacting with each other.

Hence our 3D Management brand, which is a way of considering the human being as a whole.

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